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The Income Tax Bond

Don, 65, and Marie, 63, are about to retire. They have accumulated about $500,000 in their RRSPs and own …

Mortgage Rules Tightened

In an effort to crack down on speculators and to discourage people from taking on too much debt, Ottawa …

Tax-Free Savings Plans

When Sophia first heard the term Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), the first thing that came to her mind was …

Jack and Diane want to improve their financial situation and feel that making financial New Years resolutions and implementing …

Can You Spot a Ponzi Scheme?

On June 29, 2009, Bernard Lawrence ‘Bernie’ Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison for perpetrating what has …

On May 25, 2009 Finance Canada announced some proposed changes to how Canada Pension Plan will work.   If …

More Overlooked RRSP Tricks

More than 65% of Canadians have made deposits to Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs). Many do so just for …

Ralph and Louise have seen the TV commercials featuring Gordon Pape, the financial author, as the spokesman for Canadian …

Cooler heads will prevail

The newspaper headlines read: ‘Roller coaster stock markets have investors feeling queasy’ (The Globe and Mail; ‘The stock market …