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Reading the Economic Tea Leaves

An important retirement planning skill is having the ability to “sniff out” the future direction of various factors, such …

Financial Self-Care

Self-care is a popular buzzword, and it’s an important one. It refers to the deliberate choice of thoughts and …

Advice to a Future Widow

Most wives outlive their husbands. Women live longer than men the same age and tend to marry men who …

Cycle of Market Emotions

Getting emotional about investments can easily lead to poor decisions as investors fall prey to negative thoughts and fears. …

Owen is married and has two children. He has been working at the same company for over five years …

When investment markets officially hit “bear market” territory in June 2022 – while Central Banks in North America and …

Portfolio Diversification

Looking back over the past few years, one thing is certain – we can never be absolutely sure what …

Almost 750,000 Canadians are living with some form of dementia1. The personal and financial challenges can be devastating for …

Putting It In Perspective

The investment markets have been very “volatile” since the start of 2022. Volatile is just financial industry jargon that …